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What People Have to Say About TDR

It was effortless. It was profound.

Through my hypnosis, I did experience my pure essence. That part of me that is always with me, but many times I do not listen to because of the debris I have collected all my life that weighs me down. Voices of society, my family, and people in my life that I placed greater value to than my own inner knowing. My pure essence was with me to answer all my questions about the healing of health conditions and emotional traumas I have toted around with me for a long time, and information about next steps in helping others through my own practice of QHHT… It was effortless. It was profound. And I am healing physically and emotionally more every day since! I no longer have difficulty with my vision and hearing, and the daily anxiety I was feeling about certain people in my life has vanished. I will say that I must practice the wisdom that was given to me by my pure essence.  It is not a one-time healing and then you are done. I continue to use the tools revealed to me every day which allows me to continue physical and emotional health.

​I highly recommend working with TDR to achieve physical and emotional health. Especially if you have been trying many modalities for healing and you just aren’t getting where you need to be.  Quantum Health is about getting to the root causes of suffering. There is nothing that cannot be healed once it is revealed!

Sue, New York

The most beneficial "alternative" treatment I've ever had

" The second we started, I saw a number of other beings come in to assist us. I've had a few other alternative hypnosis sessions, including QHHT and for myself, none of them were as distinct and powerful as this. 


After the session, I spent the next 4 days in a heightened state of awareness and joy. From that point on the physical issues that I had, digestive, restless leg syndrome and a lot of physical pain, at first got worse, but then began to clear. I was careful to give myself as much support as I could during this time, including lots of sleep, juicing, supplements and meditation. 


Over the course of the next few months, my physical ailments dissipated one by one. I began to need less and less medication for my RLS and as a result, my digestion and pain levels went down, since they were all being caused by the medication, something I'd never realized before. Within 2 months, I felt better than I had in years.


At the same time my awareness expanded and things I'd never had the answers to before, suddenly came to light. My session was definitely a true catalyst in this and helped me to open a doorway that had previously been closed. My experience was by far the most beneficial "alternative" treatment I've ever had and one for which I am truly grateful. Highly recommended."


Piper, Wales

The TDR process is comprehensive and covers all aspects of preparation of mind, body, heart, and soul. And you will experience the oneness and infinite love that is promised. Totally worth the time and money invested.


"I just got off the phone with my neurologist and they said I have the previous MS (Multiple Sclerosis) signings but there are no new lesions and no active ms signings. This could mean I’m in remission and in the past that’s what I understood as remission. 


​That being said, it’s been a year since I took MS medication so this is fantastic."

Kailey, Utah

I have had two sessions. With each session I have shifted because with each one of them I've got more and more understanding and trust in myself and in the Universe. I didn't have any serious condition, but what I feel I've gained is knowing who I am and where I am coming from. With this came courage and openness to life and all opportunities that life had to offer me. Following this I've made an intention to say yes to all exciting opportunities that will show up on my path. 


​In my second session I have gotten some healing tools to use for myself, first, and then to teach others to find them and use them, too. 


My fear of dogs is getting better. As an ESL person, I stopped worrying too much for the mistakes I might accidentally make. I even started to speak a little bit of Spanish. My vision is better and I am using my glasses less that I used to. 


​I still have some work to do regarding my worthiness, but I am getting better at it, too.

​Violeta, California

For your collection. 


Issues: no will to live, low energy, low stamina. 

Improvement: feel motivated, energetic, joyful. 


How the change happened: Anita teaches that to be healthy and happy, we need to be fully ourselves.  The same general principle is at the basis of my own work with clients (make choices aligned to your soul's nature, not what the society expects).  Well, I realized that while I'd implemented this in my work, I wasn't doing enough of that in my home life, duh!  Something happened at home after our session that didn't feel positive at first but ended up being an opportunity for me to remember what it's like to be more fully myself and do what I want at home.  Since then I've made some changes in how I do things and the standards I hold myself to.  At the same time, I found myself being much more energetic, joyful, and motivated, which is most likely the result.  A good illustration for me of how important that principle is for our well-being!​

Julia, California

For several years I have been on a journey of healing and carrying with me the question "who am I?" During this journey I have been challenged through many things, including depression, deep issues in my intimate relationship and very low energy and self motivation. I have been trying very hard... but felt like failing, again and again in my attempts to get better or make big changes. I think along the way I underestimated what this failing prepared me for and how it worked to my benefit as we so easily think of progress being connected with success…


I didn’t realize how much time went by while I was in quite a deep trance state. It felt like a very deep and beautiful guided meditation. First, I had doubts after the session about it having initiating the shift I was looking for, but I learned something very important, how I am holding on and how I am trying too hard. I felt like letting go of every method and practice I had been engaged in for a while, and after the TDR session I put this step into action. It felt important for me as a means to stand alone on my feet, trusting fully in my power and ability. The TDR session is now a week past and I experience a new freshness and a great amount of energy and an inner peace and freedom that I put to a great extend to the deeper learning and experience in the TDR session and my new found ability of letting go of the old, a greater opening and trust to my deeper self and to a greater embodiment of my spirituality in everyday life.


TDR process and sessions are  articulated to go deep down to the problem one is facing. I found the process very helpful  in using the technique of the programme to resolve my problems… My main issue was not being able to go deeper in meditations and letting go of the emotional trauma of losing my husband… As I was doing the exercises for homework by asking myself the questions. I was letting go of my belief systems. The meditations brought a sense of peace and relief. I continued using the scripts for meditations, hence I have started going deeper in meditations everyday. I enjoy meditating every night. Look forward to meditating everyday and during the day I find myself in the state of being in oneness. The state I always was looking to be in.

Love and Light, Su

To all of those considering choosing to invest in a session, it is worth it. Please do yourself the favor. Words cannot entirely convey what I want to express, however I will try. This is a situation where you will need to be present and focus on yourself. You will learn more about yourself and learn to let go of what you no longer need, as well as see new truths about your own life, perhaps even learning to be in a whole new way…


I really enjoyed reading Anita Moorjani’s book and discussing it in preparation of the TDR session itself.

I also really appreciate the support group because of the sense of community, the meditations and the opportunity to share with like-minded souls in a safe space.


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